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Charles Bridge



Charles Bridge

:iconupdateplz: 4.6.2012
~ Photo taken during my trip to Prague. This is one of my favorite places in Prague .

Charles Bridge was built by Emperor Charles IV in 1357. It was completed by 1402.
Is 515 m long and has 16 bridges arches.
The sculptural decoration was created with 31 sculptures in the years 1657-1938.
Charles IV, on the advice of astrologers, began construction of the bridge in 1357, 9. 7. in 5 hours and 31 minutes. (the odd numbers in ascending and descending order - 135797531).
Staroměstská (Old Town) Bridge Tower was built with the bridge and is one of the most beautiful towers in Europe.

Charles Bridge - Prague, Czech Republic

Same place from 2008:

Autumn in Prague by PaSt1978

Photos from around:

Old Synagogue by PaSt1978 :thumb173160820:
Prague by PaSt1978 Colored Houses by PaSt1978 Golden Lane by PaSt1978

:iconamongststars: Don't forget visit my Prague folder::iconamongststars: :pointr:… :pointl:
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4341x3255px 1.7 MB
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